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Order a replacement for a damaged credit card
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Order a replacement for a damaged credit card



Order a replacement for a damaged credit card

Order a replacement for a damaged credit card

This application form collects information to include within your Order a replacement for a damaged credit card. Use the appropriate buttons at the end of the application form to proceed or to end your application.Please be aware that some explanatory text is included within the form.

This is stage 1 of 2. Required fields are indicated with an asterisk (*). Please do not use your browser's 'back' button to move back or you may lose some of the information you have already entered.

My NatWest credit card (or the card belonging to an additional cardholder on my account) is damaged or faulty and I want to order a new one - I don't need a new PIN

Complete the form below to let us know your NatWest credit card is not working. You can order a replacement card for yourself or an additional cardholder on your account if their card is not working. We will issue a new one to the address that your statement would be sent to. The current card will remain active until the new card arrives. You will keep the same PIN for the card.
The replacement card is for: *  
You can find a note of your credit card number on the Account Summary page or on your statement.
Important: if your credit card, or the card of an additional cardholder on your account, has been stolen or you think someone may have access to your PIN, please contact us immediately so we can cancel the card and issue you with a new PIN.
Please check the information you have entered is correct, then click 'Submit'.